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Sandbox - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox
Sandbox() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.Sandbox
Constructs a new sandbox where changes are isolated from the Atlas graph
SANDBOX_ADDRESS_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.Sandbox
SandboxEdge - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox
SandboxEdge(int, Edge, SandboxNode, SandboxNode) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxEdge
Constructs a mirrored sandbox edge of the given Atlas edge
SandboxEdge(int, String, SandboxNode, SandboxNode) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxEdge
Constructs a new SandboxEdge directed from the "from" node to the "to" node
SandboxGraph - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox
SandboxGraph(Sandbox) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxGraph
SandboxGraph(SandboxGraph) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxGraph
SandboxGraphElement - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox
SandboxHashSet<T extends SandboxGraphElement> - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox
SandboxHashSet(int) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxHashSet
SandboxHashSet(Sandbox) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxHashSet
SandboxHashSet(SandboxGraph) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxHashSet
SandboxNode - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox
SandboxNode(int, Node) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxNode
SandboxNode(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxNode
SELECTION_COLOR - Static variable in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.codepainter.ColorPalette
selectionChanged(Graph) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.selection.GraphSelectionListenerView
This method can be overridden to handle selection changed events Note: This event is synchronized with the view's UI thread.
setAnalysisProperties(IProject, Document) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.project.ProjectAnalysisProperties
setCanvas(Q) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.codepainter.ColorPalette
Updates the canvas (nodes and edges that coloring will be applied to) This is required for color palettes that may change dynamically
setColorPaletteConflictStrategy(CodePainter.ColorPaletteConflictStrategy) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.codepainter.CodePainter
Sets a coloring conflict resolution strategy
setData(Object) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.analyzers.Analyzer.Result
SetDefinitions - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.analysis
Common set definitions which are useful for program analysis
setEdgeLabels(Markup, Map<Edge, String>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.highlighter.LabelMaker
Applies a set of edge labels
setEdgePrefixLabels(Markup, Map<Edge, String>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.highlighter.LabelMaker
Applies a set of edge prefix labels
setEdgeSuffixLabels(Markup, Map<Edge, String>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.highlighter.LabelMaker
Applies a set of edge suffix labels
setFlag(String) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.codepainter.Configurable
Enables a flag
setFlushProvider(FlushProvider) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.Sandbox
Sets the flush provider implementation
setMinimumNumberParametersRequired(int) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.filters.Filter
setNodeLabels(Markup, Map<Node, String>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.highlighter.LabelMaker
Applies a set of node labels
setNodePrefixLabels(Markup, Map<Node, String>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.highlighter.LabelMaker
Applies a set of node prefix labels
setNodeSuffixLabels(Markup, Map<Node, String>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.highlighter.LabelMaker
Applies a set of node suffix labels
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.codepainter.Configurable
Sets a parameter value
setSelection(Q) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.selection.ExpiringGraphSelectionProvider
setSelection(Q) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.selection.ExpiringGraphSelectionProviderView
If an index exists then the given selection event will be fired
setSelection(Q) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.selection.GraphSelectionProvider
setSelection(Q) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.selection.GraphSelectionProviderView
If an index exists then the given selection event will be fired
setSelection(ISelection) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.selection.ExpiringGraphSelectionProvider
setSelection(ISelection) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.selection.GraphSelectionProvider
setUpBeforeClass(Bundle, String, String) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.regression.RegressionTest
SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.xcsg.Undocumented
An undocumented, but very useful Atlas attribute.
SLOCCount - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities
Counts source lines of code as logical lines of code, differentiating between blank lines, comments, and code Jimple is counted manually, assuming comments do no exist, and a non blank line is code All other language delagate line counting to the cloc tool: https://github.com/AlDanial/cloc
SLOCCount() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.SLOCCount
SLOCCount.LinesOfCode - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities
start(BundleContext) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.Activator
START_CHARACTER_OFFSET_USER_DATA - Static variable in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.XMLUtils
START_COLUMN_NUMBER_USER_DATA - Static variable in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.XMLUtils
START_LINE_NUMBER_CHARACTER_OFFSET_USER_DATA - Static variable in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.XMLUtils
START_LINE_NUMBER_USER_DATA - Static variable in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.XMLUtils
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.Activator
StronglyConnectedComponents - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.algorithms
A wrapper for the JGraphT implementation of StronglyConnectedComponent (SCC) computations
StronglyConnectedComponents(Graph) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.algorithms.StronglyConnectedComponents
StronglyConnectedComponents(AtlasSet<Node>, AtlasSet<Edge>) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.algorithms.StronglyConnectedComponents
StronglyConnectedComponents(Q) - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.algorithms.StronglyConnectedComponents
Subsystem - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.subsystems
Subsystem() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.subsystems.Subsystem
SubsystemCodemapStage - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.subsystems
Runs the subsystem tagging as a post indexing process
SubsystemCodemapStage() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.subsystems.SubsystemCodemapStage
SubsystemInteractionFilter - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.filters
Filters nodes based on how whether or not they or their children interact with specified subsystems
SubsystemInteractionFilter() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.filters.SubsystemInteractionFilter
SubsystemPreferences - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.preferences
SubsystemPreferences() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.preferences.SubsystemPreferences
Subsystems - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.subsystems
Subsystems() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.subsystems.Subsystems
successors(SandboxNode) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.sandbox.SandboxGraph
Gets the successor nodes of the given node for this graph's edges
summarize(Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.FormattedSourceCorrespondence
Given a Q gets the mapping of relative files to the line number ranges for each summarized element of
summarize(Q, boolean) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.FormattedSourceCorrespondence
Given a Q, creates a pretty print summary the source graph element locations, line number ranges, and names of graph elements that were functions (if enabled) of
supportsProject(IProject) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.utilities.project.AnalysisPropertiesInitializer
syncPoints(AtlasSet<Node>, AtlasSet<Node>, Graph) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns points where there are no competing branch points
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