
Installing the Immutability Toolbox Eclipse plugin is easy. It is recommended to install the plugin from the provided update site, but it is also possible to install from source.

  1. Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software.
  2. Click Add, in the top-right corner.
  3. In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "Atlas Toolboxes" for the Name and "" for the Location.
  4. In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to “Immutability Toolbox” and click Next followed by OK.
  5. In the next window, you’ll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click Next.
  6. Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish. If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of the software can’t be established, click OK.
  7. When the installation completes, restart Eclipse.

Installing from Source

If you want to install from source for bleeding edge changes, first grab a copy of the source repository. In the Eclipse workspace, import the Eclipse project located in the source repository. Right click on the project and select Export. Select Plug-in Development > Deployable plug-ins and fragments. Select the Install into host. Repository: radio box and click Finish. Press OK for the notice about unsigned software. Once Eclipse restarts the plugin will be installed and it is advisable to close or remove the project from the workspace.


  • Updated dependencies
  • Added javadoc


  • Bug fixes
  • Updated dependencies


  • Initial release