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load(Node) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.common.ICFGPCG
Loads a serialized ICFGPCG instance from the Atlas graph or null if the ICFGPCG instance does not exist
load(Node) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.common.PCG
Loads a serialized PCG instance from the Atlas graph or null if the PCG instance does not exist
load(Node, String) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.common.ICFGPCG
Loads a serialized ICFGPCG instance from the Atlas graph or null if the ICFGPCG instance does not exist
load(Node, String) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.common.PCG
Loads a serialized PCG instance from the Atlas graph or null if the PCG instance does not exist
load(UniqueEntryExitControlFlowGraph, AtlasSet<Node>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.common.PCG
Loads a serialized PCG instance from the Atlas graph or null if the PCG instance does not exist
load(UniqueEntryExitInterproceduralControlFlowGraph, AtlasSet<Node>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.common.ICFGPCG
Loads a serialized ICFGPCG instance from the Atlas graph or null if the ICFGPCG instance does not exist
loadAll() - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.common.ICFGPCG
Loads all PCGs stored in the Atlas graph
loadAll() - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.common.PCG
Loads all PCGs stored in the Atlas graph
loadPreferences() - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.preferences.PCGPreferences
Loads or refreshes current preference values
log(int, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.log.Log
Log - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.log
Centralized logging for Eclipse plugins.
Log() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.pcg.log.Log
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