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leastCommonAncestor(Node, Node, Graph) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns the least common ancestor of both child1 and child2 within the given graph
leastCommonAncestor(Node, Node, Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns the least common ancestor of both child1 and child2 within the given graph
libraries() - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.analysis.SetDefinitions
Everything declared under any of the known API projects, if they are in the index.
LIBRARY - com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.project.ProjectJarProperties.JarType
libraryDeclarations() - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns those nodes which are declared by a library.
libraryDeclarations(Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns those nodes which are declared by a library.
libraryDeclarations(Q, String) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns those nodes which are declared by a library with the given name.
libraryDeclarations(String) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns those nodes which are declared by a library with the given name.
LiteralPassedParameterCallSiteFilter - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.filters
Filters call site nodes based on how whether the call site parameter(s) are fixed literal values
LiteralPassedParameterCallSiteFilter() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.filters.LiteralPassedParameterCallSiteFilter
loadPreferences() - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.preferences.JavaCommonsPreferences
Loads or refreshes current preference values
localDeclarations(Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
All nodes declared under the given functions, but NOT declared under additional functions or types.
localDeclarations(Q, Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
All nodes declared under the given functions, but NOT declared under additional functions or types.
log(int, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.log.Log
Log - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.log
Centralized logging for Eclipse plugins.
Log() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.log.Log
LogSubsystem - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.subsystems
LogSubsystem() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.java.commons.subsystems.LogSubsystem
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