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getCallSites(Node) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
getContainingControlFlowNode(Node) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns the nearest parent that is a control flow node
getContainingFunction(Node) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns the containing function of a given graph element or null if one is not found
getContainingFunction(Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns the Functions containing the given nodes (if any).
getContainingFunctions(Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns the containing function of a given Q or empty if one is not found
getContainingNode(Node, String) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Find the next immediate containing node with the given tag.
getDefault() - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.Activator
Returns the shared instance
getDescription() - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
getEdgeByAddress(String) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Selects the Atlas edge graph element given a serialized graph element address Returns null if the address does not correspond to a edge
getFunctionInvocations(Node) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
Given a function, return the function invocations
getFunctionInvocations(AtlasSet<Node>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
Given a function, return the function invocations
getFunctionInvocations(Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
Given functions, returns function invocations
getGraphElementByAddress(String) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Selects the Atlas graph element given a serialized graph element address Returns null if the address does not correspond to a graph element
getIDOM(Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.GotoLoopDetection
Returns an immediate dominator (idom) mapping in the control flow graph of the given function
getInvokedFunction(Node) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
Given call sites, returns the invoked function
getInvokedFunction(AtlasSet<Node>) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
Given a callsite, return the invoked function
getInvokedFunction(Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
Given call sites, return the invoked functions
getName() - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
getNodeByAddress(String) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Selects the Atlas node graph element given a serialized graph element address Returns null if the address does not correspond to a node
getQualifiedFunctionName(Node) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Helper function to get the stringified qualified name of the function
getQualifiedName(Node) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Helper function to get the stringified qualified name of the function
getQualifiedName(Node, String...) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Helper function to get the stringified qualified name of the class Stop after tags specify parent containers to stop qualifying at (example packages or jars)
getQualifiedTypeName(Node) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Helper function to get the stringified qualified name of the class
getSupportedLanguages() - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
getTargets(Node) - Method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CallSiteAnalysis
globals(String...) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns the nodes representing the global variable(s) given by the parameter list (names).
GotoLoopDetection - Class in com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis
It uses immediate dominance (idom) analysis to detect Goto loop and add tag as Goto_Back_Edge to the edge which cause loop.
GotoLoopDetection() - Constructor for class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.GotoLoopDetection
graph(Q, Q) - Static method in class com.ensoftcorp.open.c.commons.analysis.CommonQueries
Returns the call graph between the functions in (roots) and functions in (leaves)
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