The Loop Comprehension Toolbox provides a suite of tools to reason about loops. It was created to assist a human analyst in detection of Algorithmic Complexity Vulnerabilities (ACV). It is implemented using Atlas, a program analysis platform.
The Loop Comprehension Toolbox project supports the following.
- Characterization of loops in an app (Java source/Java Bytecode). We use following attributes to characterize loops.
- Following characterizations are supported (see tutorial for more details)
- Loop Monotonicity
- Loop Termination Patterns
- Java API interactions of a loop and their classification
- Statistics about loop’s control flow and and data flow (number of paths, callsites etc.)
- Abstractions to reason about a loop’s termination
- Termination Dependence Graph (TDG) - Data flow abstraction
- Loop Projected Control Graph (LPCG) - Control flow abstraction
- Loop Catalog Generation - A catalog of all loops containing summary of all the characteristics.
Getting Started
Ready to get started?
- First install the Loop Comprehension Toolbox plugin
- Then check out the provided tutorials to jump start your analysis
Source Code
Need additional resources? Grab a copy of the source.